
List of Freelancing sites ??

Source: Click here

Damon @ slasher

When we assign the task, we will be considering these points:

1) quality of code you deliver

2) how quickly you're able to complete the ticket

3) autonomy - your ability to solve problems on your own, outside of information we have

I hope this is helpful

projects making currently

upwork todo resources

Find remote work site

→ remoteok .com
 →showwcase .com
→ freelancer .com
→ remotive .io
→ remoteglobal .com
→ devsnap .io
 →working nomads .co
→ nodes .co
 →epic jobs .co
→ remotehunt .com
→ weworkremotely .com
 →flexjobs .com

Making 10 Great projects


Other Portfolios profiles with projects and PEOPLE


8 Full Stack Project Ideas for 2022 👨‍💻👩‍💻

Getting project src

Client Handling (single big mistake that pisses the client)

A client would love to work with if you would have a constant conversative (constant here means that conversing each day otherwise the client would think that freelancer is fraud and simply stolen the money). ~ Varun Mayya

money and all

money earnnig comparison?

Earning 35k Rs/month => 22days*8hrs = 176hrs i.e., 35,000RS/176HRS = 200Rs/hr = 2.52$/hr

Cold Email Whitepaper

Points of Business

If we withdraw a proposal, do we get the ‘connects’ back?

Ans. The only way you get the connects back is if the job is canceled. Source: Click here

Is your bank acc. savings or current?

On your checkbook if you have 31 in the end that means you have a savings account. Source: Click here

timings - canada - india

8am - 9pm (india) => 10:30pm - 11:30am

8am - 9pm (canada) => 5:30pm - 6:30am

Upwork proposals 8 golden rules

1, 2

  1. Use client’s first name from the history of client.
  2. CTA (Call To Action) - Book a call to you via something like calendarly IMO.
  3. Be concise and show social proof.
  4. Make use of P.S. in the end of the proposal.
  5. Take and hour and read throught Upwork TOS.

final docs


and for the second I added the bank statement generate from SIB internet banking.

and filled more details:


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