Video Interviewing Screening Software |
Willo®: |
- Testgorilla:
List of Freelancing sites ??
Source: Click here
Damon @ slasher
When we assign the task, we will be considering these points:
1) quality of code you deliver
2) how quickly you're able to complete the ticket
3) autonomy - your ability to solve problems on your own, outside of information we have
I hope this is helpful
projects making currently
- speakshow (animal social media) - where you can not only tweet but roar, meow, bark as well. :D0
- theme of the site should be mix of all animals but the message box can be animtaed compared what what you spoke.
- signable via google, facebook, twitter login, github login, etc
- select what movies you have seen and make the ui cool
- signable via google, facebook, twitter login, github login, etc
upwork todo resources
- How to Write a Winning Upwork Job Proposal in 2022 - Click here
- Watched
- How To Make Your Upwork Profile Stand Out With an Introduction Video - Click here
Find remote work site
→ remoteok .com
→showwcase .com
→ freelancer .com
→ remotive .io
→ remoteglobal .com
→ devsnap .io
→working nomads .co
→ nodes .co
→epic jobs .co
→ remotehunt .com
→ weworkremotely .com
→flexjobs .com
Making 10 Great projects
- hamza upwork profile:
- or
- website,
- social media mern - google search
- continue video from here
- make crypto guessing/predicting stats social media board as discussed with priyam

Other Portfolios profiles with projects and PEOPLE
- Pranav Joshi: Click here
- Hammad Siddique:
- Also freelancer, working @totel currently.
- Nandha Kumar: Upwork Profile
- Aashif Ahamed:
- vim-solidity (solidity syntax highlight) Cretor: Resume:
- Medium article on how to he made portfolio site
- Campus Site project Awesome:
- Amazing food delivery app that has send email confirmation OTP sending.
- Amazing instagram clone
- Amazing poll generator code with sharing buttons for twitter, whatsapp, faceboook and via qr generator. YO!!
- Amazing video chat app
8 Full Stack Project Ideas for 2022 👨💻👩💻
- 🔶 E-commerce Website
- 🔶 Food Delivery App
- 🔶 Social Media App
- 🔶 Chat Messaging App
- 🔶 Content Management System
- 🔶 Blog / Portfolio Site
- 🔶 Workout Tracker
- 🔶 Project Management Dashboard
Getting project src
- Keep expectations low and understanding that compounding works.
- You have to raise to 150$/hr. Don’t forget the power of compounding bcoz it always happens.
- You won’t get a project until you apply to a 100 @upwork. Some people apply to three projects and get no response then they just shut off. Apply the maths that I’m going to get 1% of the projects I apply to. Take a crack at 100, 5 will reply and out of which 1 will convert because if someone is replying that doesn’t mean one will give you the project.
- Have a humble cover letter. I am learning and I’m trying to get better. Humility works much much better and lands you the first project.
- 99% of people in India don’t believe in the freelancing, they like the idea but they don’t believe that its possible to run a career on it.
Client Handling (single big mistake that pisses the client)
A client would love to work with if you would have a constant conversative (constant here means that conversing each day otherwise the client would think that freelancer is fraud and simply stolen the money). ~ Varun Mayya
money and all
- Gross Income: Totoal income from 1 April to 31 March.
- Net Income: Gross - Expenses spend on doing business (e.g., time tracking software service cost)
- Microeconomics is the study of what is likely to happen (tendencies) when individuals make choices in response to changes in incentives, prices, resources, and/or methods of production.
- Learn about Microeconomics @ Investopedia.
- Have multiple bank accounts: Monthly Spend Account(+15K every month): The goal of this account to go broke with your spendings, Spludge Account (for long term desiral things like Bike, Car, Home and this can be used to fund in worst cases when you don’t a project in future)
- Make contracts for freelancing via
money earnnig comparison?
Earning 35k Rs/month => 22days*8hrs
= 176hrs
i.e., 35,000RS/176HRS
= 200Rs/hr
= 2.52$/hr
Cold Email Whitepaper
Points of Business
- Q1. Business Goal: What is the main goal of Business?
- Q2. Feature Goal: What is the role of this feature that we are addding?
- Q3. What is the minimum value I can deliver? MVP Product?
If we withdraw a proposal, do we get the ‘connects’ back?
Ans. The only way you get the connects back is if the job is canceled. Source: Click here
Is your bank acc. savings or current?
On your checkbook if you have 31 in the end that means you have a savings account. Source: Click here
timings - canada - india
8am - 9pm (india) => 10:30pm - 11:30am
8am - 9pm (canada) => 5:30pm - 6:30am
Upwork proposals 8 golden rules
1, 2
- Use client’s first name from the history of client.
- CTA (Call To Action) - Book a call to you via something like calendarly IMO.
- Be concise and show social proof.
- Make use of P.S. in the end of the proposal.
- Take and hour and read throught Upwork TOS.
final docs

and for the second I added the bank statement generate from SIB internet banking.
and filled more details:

30 most in-demand skills