: npm, github (used in sahilrajput03/react-google-oauth)react-google-login
: npm, github (package is no longer maintained as mentioed on its github repo)Deployed at vercel.com and render.com (tested and working well on both platforms).
Date: 11 Jan 2025 - Google Doc - Some Links for Login with google
UPDATE: 13 Dec 2023 - This happens only when pushed to vercel site (subdomain) and I am hoping that the issue will be gone after the app is switched to “production” as suggested by an answerer in the above stackoverflow question.
Quick Links:
On Oauth Consent Screen you need to fill it like this:
By default we get general details of the user who is logging-in in our app but we want more details from the user, we can get it by selecting some desired scopes from the list (point 2):
We don’t want any test users so we can click save and continue:
In the end it shows the summary and you can simply click “BACK TO DASHBOARD” now:
Out consent screen is ready now we can create the OAuth credentials:
And finally you get the clientId
and clientSecret
like that:
NOTE: for nextjs’s nextauth we change the redirect url like that, (Since I am running on port 3001, I need make the port as 3001)