Learn Heroku Deployment

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Heroku Pricing

Pricing: Click here

Plan Eco Basic
RAM 512 MB 512 MB
Price 5$/month (₹420) 7$/month (₹580)
Remarks Offers 1000 Eco Dyno Hours i.e, if you have one app that can easily run for 31 days i.e, 31days * 24h = 744h. No Limits


🚀🚀 Process type in Procfile?

What is process type in heroku?


(Source of below image - 📖 Article - Dyno Types: Click here)


Why Heroku?

Sample Procfiles:

Heroku provides https enabled backend server in no time which is too good for no-budget apps testing. You can create as many applications as you want with the condition that you can have only 5 apps in one account and you can create infinite heroku accounts with hack. Yo!

You can serve a nested folder project in heroku using a custom build-pack as well. Find it working @ video-chat-app-webrtc and also @ sahilrajput03/learn-websockets

Heroku has database as a service as well. Check here.

See my command list @ Gist.

TEKENA’s way of deploying a nested folder: image
