(Note: This post is intentionally not put here because we personified this example solving into removing a dependency with nested dependencies because they are not directly uninstallable unless we remove every dependenct dependencies to pacman to remove).
# get alsamixer
(source - Same above stackoverflow answer of point 1).xprop2i3
is amazing you can check it here i.e, xprop213.sh
in my own config repository.
Tip: You can use my alias for it as well ie., xprop213.sh
as well.
you can use this command too:xprop WM\_CLASS
# Outpu:
# WM\_CLASS(STRING) = "gnome-calculator", "Gnome-calculator"
#### LEARN ####
### The first part is `instance` for i3
### The second part is `class` for i3
### so to make them float for i3 it would work like that:
for_window [instance="gnome-calculator"] floating enable
# OR
for_window [class="Gnome-calculator"] floating enable
not working: Click herecd ~/.ssh/myKeys; chmod 0400 *
makes the taskbar autohide and to see taskbar show automatically you need to press mod
anytime you want).mod+b
toggle b/w last workspace.mod+ <anyWorkspaceNumber>
switched to target workspace but when pressed again act as switching b/w current and last workspace.xorg-xprop
to find info for windowssudo pacman -S xorg-xprop
# Now you can use:
# Now use cross-hair cursor to click any window and get all the details of that window!! Its good for doing stuff (like making certain windows always float in i3 tiling manager or other similar stuff).
You need to disable below lines as shown i.e, by adding a prefix of # for each of these lines:
# bindsym Print exec --no-startup-id i3-scrot
# bindsym $mod+Print --release exec --no-startup-id i3-scrot -w
# bindsym $mod+Shift+Print --release exec --no-startup-id i3-scrot -s
and you need to add this line for flameshot:
bindsym Print exec /usr/bin/flameshot gui