Quick Links:
Foldable section:
<summary>Click to expand</summary>
Month | Savings |
January | $250 |
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Month | Savings
January | $250
February | $80
March | $420
Colorful Text hacks in Github Markdown:
- this is red
+ this is green
Favourite markdown docs: https://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/
<h1 align="center">I am centered text.</h1>
<div align="right">I am right centred text.</div>
<ins>**This text will be bold and underlined**<ins>
<b><span style="color: red;">hello</span></b>
<!-- Using images -->

<!-- To set width for an image, you can use html tag as well: -->
<img src="https://some_image.jpg" alt="drawing" width="700"/>
# Heading Size 1
## Heading Size 2
###### Heading Size 6
DON'T DO LIKE BELOW (Notice there is not spaces between # and heading text)
Paragraphs: In below example, only when there is empty line the new paragraph starts. Thats why line1 and line2 will appears as a single paragraph even though they are on different lines.
This is line1.
This is line2.
This is line3.
This is line4.
This is line1. This is line2.
This is line3.
This is line4.
Bold, Italics, Bold+Italics
*This is italics text*
**This is bold text**
***This is bold+italics text***
Links: To create a link that says Click here and opens up website https://example.com
, you can do like
[Click here](https://example.com)
To make the link italicized and bold you can do like that:
***[Click here](https://example.com)***
Lists and sublists: To make a list you can make use of -
to make a list item. For e.g.,
- This is list item1
- This is list item2
- This is sublist item1 of list item2
- This is sublist item2 of list item2
output of above markdown would look like:
Code snippets: To create a inline (in same line as the text) you can use `code here` to make a text formatted as code which would look like code here
. Also to create a block like text formatter as code, you can do like that:
console.log(“Hello world”)
// more code here
in above we used css
as language but we can use any languagae like js
, ts
, html
, txt
, py
, bash
, markdown
, etc.
Striked out text
Use ~~double tildes around the words~~.
Because the links appear badly in markdown rendereed on github repo’s readme.