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Some used mongodb operators
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userSchema.pre('save', () => {...})
method and it updates password
field to be hashed i.e., User.create({ password: 'plain-text'})
automatically saved password to hash. This is cool, and the current note-zipper project has the implementation for the userFactory
. The big difference b/w userFactory
of piyush’s project and slasher project is that slasher’s project uses transient properties which is not needed at all when we have auto hashing of passwords set on the schema.UserSchema.methods.setUnhashedPassword = () => {...}
which works like below:const user = new User(userRegisterDto);
// set the hashed password manually on the user document
// needed to updated in db
await userDetails.save();
Docs: Click here
FYI: Using my own way of creatinig files and running them on save with nodemon is much much better though.
FYI: Its good to do indexing if you have large number of records for efficient searching.
FYI: In below query you could have used /
to write concise queries (but online playground doesn’t allow that syntax yet):
Learn all about regext here in docs.
option helps to do a case-insensitive search
name: {
"$regex": /hil/i
Note (for Windows User) : git-bash
isn’t performing good with mongo shell environment, so prefer cmd for now.
# To open a mongo shell environment.
# TIP: To clear logs in `mongo` shell, use ctrl+L hotkey or use command -> cls
#close mongo shell
Ctrl+c # or use`exit` command
#show all dbs
show dbs
#to select db (or create **new db** if doesn't exist)
use test1
#shows currently selected db name
#Show the collections of currently selected db.
show collections
#creates new collection 'posts' in currently selected db.
#Drop a collection named `mycollection`
use myDb # Select a database
db.mycollection.drop() # Drop collection.
# Dropping a db:
use myDb # Select a database
db.dropDatabase() # Drop selected database.
# Insert a post
title: 'Post One',
body: 'Body of post one',
category: 'News',
likes: 4,
tags: ['news', 'events'],
user: {
name: 'John Doe',
status: 'author'
data: Date()
# Insert many posts
title: 'Post Two',
body: 'Body of post two',
category: 'Technology',
data: Date()
title: 'Post Three',
body: 'Body of post three',
category: 'News',
data: Date()
title: 'Post Four',
body: 'Body of post three',
category: 'Entertainment',
data: Date()
# Find posts
# Find posts with some filter
db.posts.find({category: 'News'})
db.posts.find({category: 'News'}).pretty()
# Find posts and sort
#title: 1 means sort by title in ascending order.
# Find posts and sort in descending order
#title: -1 means sort by title in descending order.
#show first two posts only.
#show only first two posts in descending ordered list by title property.
db.posts.find().sort({title: -1}).limit(2)
#amazing!!, Print documents in a particular required format
db.posts.find().forEach(function(doc) { print('Blog Post: ' + doc.title)})
#shows only the first found document.
db.posts.findOne({category: 'News'})
methoddb.posts.find({title: 'Post Random'})
{ title: 'Post Random' },
title: 'Post Two',
body: 'New Post 2 body',
date: Date()
db.posts.find({title: 'Post Two'})
method with upsert: true
method in Case 1 doesn’t create a new document if the searched document doesn’t exists.upsert: true
method creates a completely new document if the matching document is not found.
# Reset our posts collection
title: 'Post Two',
body: 'Body of post two',
category: 'Technology',
data: Date()
title: 'Post Two',
body: 'Body of post two - DUPLICATE',
category: 'Technology - DUPLICATE',
data: Date()
title: 'Post Two - a',
body: 'Body of post three',
category: 'News',
data: Date()
db.posts.find({title: 'Post Two'})
# Obeservation 1: Shows only the exact two posts that matches i.e., first two posts in the above three posts we added.
{ title: 'Post Two' },
title: 'Post Two',
body: 'New Post 2 body',
date: Date()
{ upsert: true}
# Output: WriteResult({ "nMatched" : 1, "nUpserted" : 0, "nModified" : 1 })
# Observation 2: Only the first post(since nModified is 1 that means a single document) that matched the filter is only updated out of two matched!
db.posts.find({title: 'Post Two'})
# Observaion 2: VERIFIED
# Previous document's data will be OVERWRITTEN.
# The second object is **OPTIONAL**. The second options object in current example tells that if the record doesn't exist then, create it. (upsert name comes from like UPdate OR insERT )
##Watch for next example for CLARIFICATION.
# ___ Debugging commands
# Get all posts
methodtldr: Add content to document.
db.posts.find({title: 'Post Two'}).pretty()
# So this will update a document keeping all the earlier content as it is.
{ title: 'Post Two' },
$set: {
body: 'Body of post 2',
category: 'Techonology',
db.posts.find({title: 'Post Two'}).pretty()
operator with update()
methodtldr: The first matching document’s likes property will be incremented by 2(if the property doesn’t exists then the property will be set to 2).
# Reset our posts collection
title: 'Post One',
body: 'Body of post One',
category: 'Technology',
data: Date()
title: 'Post One',
body: 'Body of post One - DUPLICATE',
category: 'Technology - DUPLICATE',
data: Date()
title: 'Post One - a',
body: 'Body of post One - DUPLICATE - DUPLICATE',
category: 'News',
data: Date()
db.posts.find({title: 'Post One'}).pretty()
{title: 'Post One'},
$inc: { likes: 2}
# Output: WriteResult({ "nMatched" : 1, "nUpserted" : 0, "nModified" : 1 })
# Observation1 : 1 document updated.
db.posts.find({title: 'Post One'}).pretty()
#Observation2 : The very first post is updated with property `likes: 2`.
#Observattion3 : Re-running the last update command will make the property to `likes: 4`
method# Reset our posts collection
title: 'Post One',
likes: 10
title: 'Post One',
likes: 10
title: 'Post One - a',
likes: 10
db.posts.find({title: 'Post One'}).pretty()
#Observation1: Finds first two document which we added using above command.
{title: 'Post One'},
$rename: { likes: 'views'}
# Output: WriteResult({ "nMatched" : 1, "nUpserted" : 0, "nModified" : 1 })
# Observation2: 1 Document updated.
db.posts.find({title: 'Post One'}).pretty()
# PROVES (Observation2): Only the first matched document's property name i.e., `likes` updated to `views`.
method# Reset our posts collection
title: 'Post One',
likes: 10
title: 'Post One',
likes: 10
title: 'Post One - a',
likes: 10
db.posts.find({title: 'Post One'}).pretty()
#Observation1: Finds first two document which we added using above command.
db.posts.remove({title: 'Post One'})
# Output: WriteResult({ "nRemoved" : 2 })
# Observation: Two documents updated.
operator ( subdocuments )# Reset our posts collection
title: 'Post One',
likes: 10
title: 'Post One',
likes: 10
title: 'Post One - a',
likes: 10
db.posts.find({title: 'Post One'}).pretty()
#Observation0: Finds first two document which we added using above command.
{ title: 'Post One' },
{ $set: {
comments: [
user: 'Mary Williams',
body: 'Comment One',
date: Date()
user: 'Harry White',
body: 'Comment Two',
date: Date()
# Observation1: The first matching document is now has new comment property as added.
db.posts.find({title: 'Post One'}).pretty()
# Below ouput PROVES Observation1
# Output:
# {
# "_id" : ObjectId("624de10adfa76c8c1b1fdf35"),
# "title" : "Post One",
# "likes" : 10,
# "comments" : [
# {
# "user" : "Mary Williams",
# "body" : "Comment One",
# "date" : "Thu Apr 07 2022 00:20:53 GMT+0530 (IST)"
# },
# {
# "user" : "Harry White",
# "body" : "Comment Two",
# "date" : "Thu Apr 07 2022 00:20:53 GMT+0530 (IST)"
# }
# ]
# }
# {
# "_id" : ObjectId("624de10adfa76c8c1b1fdf36"),
# "title" : "Post One",
# "likes" : 10
# }
operatortldr: $elemMatch
finds a document by searching for the filter against each array element as specified in the search query.
# Reset our posts collection
"title" : "Post One",
"likes" : 10,
"comments" : [
"user" : "Mary Williams",
"body" : "Comment One",
"date" : "Thu Apr 07 2022 00:20:53 GMT+0530 (IST)"
"user" : "Harry White",
"body" : "Comment Two",
"date" : "Thu Apr 07 2022 00:20:53 GMT+0530 (IST)"
db.posts.find({ comments: { $elemMatch: {user: 'Mary Williams'}} }).pretty()
# Output:
# {
# "_id" : ObjectId("624de303dfa76c8c1b1fdf38"),
# "title" : "Post One",
# "likes" : 10,
# "comments" : [
# {
# "user" : "Mary Williams",
# "body" : "Comment One",
# "date" : "Thu Apr 07 2022 00:20:53 GMT+0530 (IST)"
# },
# {
# "user" : "Harry White",
# "body" : "Comment Two",
# "date" : "Thu Apr 07 2022 00:20:53 GMT+0530 (IST)"
# }
# ]
# }
-»» TODO: clean below notes
methoddb.posts.createIndex({ title: 'text' })
$text: {
$search: "\"Post O\""
#Above serach will match two posts i.e, Post Two and Post Three.
$text: {
$search: "\"Post O\""
#Above search will match one posts i.e, Post One.
operatordb.posts.find({title: 'Post Two'}).pretty()
db.posts.update({title: 'Post Two'}, {$set: { views: 10}})
db.posts.find({title: 'Post Two'}).pretty()
views: {
$gt: 8
#above will search for documents having their `views` property having value more than 8. This would return multiple documents if there are such matching documents.
views: {
$gte: 8
#above will search for documents having their `views` property having value more than or EQUAL TO 9. This would return multiple documents if there are such matching documents.
Source of this video content: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-56x56UppqQ&t=867s
Amazing “Traversy Media - MongoDB Crash Course”.
title: 'Post Five',
fruits: ["mango","apple","banana"]
db.posts.find({title: 'Post Five'}).pretty()
fruits: {
$in: ["mango"]
#So, thats how $in operator works.
title: 'Post Five',
fruits: ["mango","apple","banana"]
title: 'Post Six',
fruits: ""
db.posts.find({title: 'Post Five'}).pretty()
db.posts.find({title: 'Post Six'}).pretty()
fruits: {
$exists: false
#above will return all documents that has does not has fruits property for it.
fruits: {
$exists: true
#above will return all documents that has fruits property for it
##Note this will also return document with title "Post Six" @line7 too, as it has fruits property too.