# Output
echo $(date) >> /tmp/a
ssh pi 'bash' <
# src:
The tripple dots in the manua pages means the there could be zero or more options. [] defines optional options.
cat > hello.txt > hello2.txt
this command copies the content of file
hello.txt and paste it into hello2.txt file.
echo hello world | cut -d ' ' -f2
this prints second word only i.e.,
Case when you must be launch the terminal as root only(coz sudo command won’t work it all):
Say, cd /sys/class/backlight/intel_backlight/
and then do
sudo echo 500 > brightness
, so this command will fail coz we are
echoing 500 with sudo power but shell is responsible for doing
putting the content into brightness file and the current shell has
no sudo permission so it still says “permission denied”.
But, what we can do instead is, sudo su
to login to shell as
, and then we can simply run echo 500 > brightness
it will work simply without any permission denied error.
We can do this same task without going into superuser shell as well
by using command echo 1060 | sudo tee brightness
This way of doing tee
to write to file brightness
still throws
Permission denied error on my archlinux though. FYI: tee
command is helpful when we need to write some input fed to tee
a file but also write the input to the std output as well. For e.g.,
$ echo Hello world, tee. | tee helloFromTee.txt
Hello world, tee.
$ cat helloFromTee.txt
Hello world, tee.
Using open
(in arch, its already aliased as xdg-open):
$ type open
open is aliased to `xdg-open'
$ open --help
xdg-open -- opens a file or URL in the user's preferred
xdg-open { file | URL }
xdg-open { --help | --manual | --version }
Use 'man xdg-open' or 'xdg-open --manual' for additional info.
$0 - Name of the script
$1 to $9 - Arguments to the script. $1 is the first argument and so on.
$@ - All the arguments
$# - Number of arguments
$? - Return code of the previous command
$$ - Process identification number (PID) for the current script
!! - Entire last command, including arguments. A common pattern is to execute a command only for it to fail due to missing permissions; you can quickly re-execute the command with sudo by doing sudo !!
$_ - Last argument from the last command. If you are in an interactive shell, you can also quickly get this value by typing Esc followed by . or Alt+.
echo $foo
Spaces are reserved in bash to separte arguments, thats the reason spaces are critical in bash.
# Hello string can be made using single quotes or double quotes.
echo "Hello"
echo 'Hello'
# BUT, when using variables you MUST USE double quotes
echo "Hello $foo"
# Output: Hello bar
echo 'Hello $foo'
# Output: Hello $foo
mkdir -p "$1"
cd "$1"
echo car
echo $_ #We can use any command to get the arguments of last command though.
to get the exit command of last command run in shell:
0 means all went good(without any error) whereas 1 (or any other number)
suggests that some error myFile.txt
Hello, world
grep foo myFile.txt
echo $?
echo Hello, Bot.
Hello, Bot.
echo $?
echo $?
# Output: 0
echo $?
# Output: 1
and ||
in bash:false || echo "Oops fail"
Oops fail
true && echo "Thing went well"
Thing went well
# FYI:
false; echo "This will always run"
echo $foo
# Command substitution:
echo "We are in $(pwd)"
Redirecting std input from two sources (commands) to a single command:
# SYNTAX: cat [<(CMD3)]...
$ cat <(ls jonhoo-config/) <(ls learning-solidjs/)
# This would work fine as expected as well:
cat <(cat amazing.txt) <(cat otherFile.txt)
# Redirect both stdout and stderr in case you want by:
my_command > /dev/null 2> /dev/null
What is test
command(FYI: []
is alias of test) ?
It is actually same as [ expression ]
what we use in bash if
conditions. You can see the []
syntax of test
binary in its
manual pages as well man test
type [
[ is a shell builtin
type [[
[[ is a shell keyword
type test
test is a shell builtin
Using test to check if string is empty:
# You may read about -z option via ```man test``` pages.
# Since [] is an alias of test binray, so this is same as doing with test
command as we do in next code block:
[ -z "test" ]
echo $?
[ -z "" ]
echo $?
test -z "test"
echo $?
test -z ""
echo $?
You can refer the manual pages of test
type [
is a command as well.
Curious about why we use [[ ]]
in bash scripting ??
# test is bad in doing comparison if we use < > operators for arithmetic comparison, i.e.,
[ 2 > 1 ] && echo 2 is greater than 1.
# Output:
2 is greater than 1.
[ 2 < 1 ] && echo FAILED UNEXPECTED BEHAVIOUR FROM [] expression.
# Output:
# But we can fix this behaviour by using double [[ expression:
[[ 2 > 1 ]] && echo 2 is greater than 1.
# Output:
2 is greater than 1.
[[ 2 < 1 ]] && echo WORKS EXPECTED BEHAVIOUR FROM [[ NOW..
# NO OUPUT coz 2 is not smaller than 1 in real.
tl;dr Read here form the official tldp documentation. FYI: tldp stands for the linux documentation project.
Source: .
tl;dr; You must read “Advance bash scripting” from tldp @ for serious bash scripting.
Getting process id current shell (you can execute this any bash script ot know its process id too):
echo $$
# Kill the process using
kill -9 $$
"Signal interrupt"
The SIGINT signal is sent to a process by its controlling terminal when a user wishes to interrupt the process. This is typically initiated by pressing Ctrl+C, but on some systems, the "delete" character or "break" key can be used.[12]
#For ```kill -9```
"Signal kill"
The SIGKILL signal is sent to a process to cause it to terminate immediately (kill). In contrast to SIGTERM and SIGINT, this signal cannot be caught or ignored, and the receiving process cannot perform any clean-up upon receiving this signal. The following exceptions apply:
Zombie processes cannot be killed since they are already dead and waiting for their parent processes to reap them.
Processes that are in the blocked state will not die until they wake up again.
The init process is special: It does not get signals that it does not want to handle, and thus it can ignore SIGKILL.[13] An exception from this rule is while init is ptraced on Linux.[14][15]
An uninterruptibly sleeping process may not terminate (and free its resources) even when sent SIGKILL. This is one of the few cases in which a UNIX system may have to be rebooted to solve a temporary software problem.
SIGKILL is used as a last resort when terminating processes in most system shutdown procedures if it does not voluntarily exit in response to SIGTERM. To speed the computer shutdown procedure, Mac OS X 10.6, aka Snow Leopard, will send SIGKILL to applications that have marked themselves "clean" resulting in faster shutdown times with, presumably, no ill effects.[16] The command killall -9 has a similar, while dangerous effect, when executed e.g. in Linux; it doesn't let programs save unsaved data. It has other options, and with none, uses the safer SIGTERM signal.
a() { echo "$@"; }
type a
a is a function
a ()
echo "$@"
a 1 2 3
1 2 3
a() { for x in "$@"; do echo $x; done }
a 1 2 3
echo "Starting program at $(date)" # Date will be substituted
echo "Running program $0 with $# arguments with pid $$"
for file in "$@"; do
grep foobar "$file" > /dev/null 2> /dev/null
# When pattern is not found, grep has exit status 1
# We redirect STDOUT and STDERR to a null register since we do not care about them
if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then
# Note here $? is 0 means there was no error(i.e., grep found the
# the pattern, but it would be 1 if grep finds the pattern).
echo "File $file does not have any foobar, adding one"
echo "# foobar" >> "$file"
# This for loop will simply append Hello, to all the files in the
# current folder.
for x in $(ls); do echo Hello, $x; done
# We can use globbing in bash very well, like * and ? mark operators:
ls *.sh
# Output: <<Lists all sh extension files in current dir>>
touch file1
touch file2
touch file33
ls file?
# Output:
file1 file2
#NOTICE: File 33 is not listed coz ? means exactly any one character.
touch a b c d
ls ?
# Output: a b c d
rm ?
# Output: <<Removes all one character files>>
echo car{1,2,5}
# Output: car1 car2 car5
echo car{,1,2,5}
# Output: car car1 car2 car5
echo id_{1,2,3}
# Output: id_1 id_2 id_3
# Using ranges: src:
echo id_{5..10}
# Output: id_5 id_6 id_7 id_8 id_9 id_10
# Similar example:
touch unit_test_{0..10}
unit_test_0 unit_test_2 unit_test_4 unit_test_6 unit_test_8 unit_test_10
unit_test_1 unit_test_3 unit_test_5 unit_test_7 unit_test_9
# Using range for character set:
echo {foo,bar}/{a..d}
# Output: foo/a foo/b foo/c foo/d bar/a bar/b bar/c bar/d
# Compare two directories using diff command:
diff <(ls dir1) <(dir2)
Using shebang in a compatible way for nearly every other linux os:
#!/bin/env python
// A good way to understand how env can find path of python and use
python to run this file is by running ```env``` python or ```env bash``` in your shell directly.
// A python program below..
// ...
// ...
A good way to lint the shell scripts and check for possible errors is
by using shellcheck
# Install in archlinux by: `sudo pacman -S shellcheck`
Important learning from shellcheck program
echo $a
# Output:
amazing.txt a.out git-test-fix-hitory helloFromTee.txt jonhoo-config learning-solidjs missing-semester myFile.txt rg-notes.txt test.js with-dhanur
# As you can see above that * expanded as glob pattern, so inorder to
# ensure the variable doesn't get intepreted as glob pattern, you must
# wrap them in "" as I do below: (shellcheck is AWESOME!!)
echo "$a"
# Output:
mv -i myFile
# This would ask you that if you wanna rewrite the target file ?
# You can check to overwrite by typing `y` in the prompt then.
Using love of documentation readers?
tldr ls
tldr cat
tldr cp
tldr mv
tldr tar # Could be very useful to me i guess.
# .. and many more commands
# Search file in pacman db
pacman -F convert
# Output:
extra/bash-completion 2.11-2
# Now i know that convert binary is available in imagemagick package.
sudo pacman -S imagemagick
# Now I can use convert
convert -v
# Output:
# todo, combine below find examples to my originanl bash notes page only
# find finds the files/folders paths in a given directory recursively.
find . -name src -type d
# ^^ here type is directory.
find . -path '**/test/*.py' -type f
# ^^ here type is file.
find . -mtime -1
# ^^ prints all the files which are modified in last day.
# do checkout more subtle things by
tldr find
# We can execute commands on matching items with find too:
find . -name "*.tmp"
# Print the list of items that we'll target afterwards
find . -name "*.tmp" -exec rm {} \
# Good examples from tldr is:
- Find files modified in the last 7 days and delete them:
find root_path -daystart -mtime -7 -delete
- Find files matching a given size range:
find root_path -size +500k -size -10M
- Run a command for each file (use `{}` within the command to access the filename):
find root_path -name '*.ext' -exec wc -l {} \;
find -name "*.out"
find -name "*.out" -exec rm {} \
> ^C
find -name "*.out" -exec rm {} \;
# FYI: The semicolon in the end is important.
echo $?
find -name "*.out"
# Outputs nothing coz all files are deleted.
### AMAZING ####: You can do like same kind of stuff with fd tool as well:
# Find files with glob pattern recursively:
fd "*.sh"
# Outputs all files with sh extension in all the nested directories
# THOUGH ABOVE approaches search for files/folders on demand but if
# there could be some database like approach to find stuff i.e,
# files/folders it would have saved lots of efforts of machines on
# each search attempt by the use of indexing. INFACT in linux there is
# one approach like this using locate(mlocate in archlinux) and using a
db which you would need to create once for a system using command `sudo
# Install locate in archlinux: src:
sudo pacman -S mlocate
# find all the file/folders:
locate someFileOrFolderName
# And it'll use a database approach i.e., using an index to filter data
# FYI: `updatedb` command is run by `crontab` each day to update its database which we created with `createdb` command. src:
grep -R searchTerm .
# This will search for the term searchTerm in all the files recursively in the current
rg "searchTerm" -t py .
# This will search for searchTerm in all the .py files in the current
folder. (-t means fileType).
rg -C 5 # Using -C will give you 5 lines around(i.e., 5 lines up and 5
lines down) the search found in the file.
# You can use to search file/folders in a pretty interactive manner as
well using broot tool, install it via:
sudo pacman -S broot
# Another useful tool to quickly get used to directory structure is by
# using a tool i.e., nnn
# install
sudo pamcan -S nnn
Refer here.
All content moved @
# Read data from pipe via stdin in R compiler
# The point is that you can pipe ouput from other command to R compiler
cat file | R --slave -e 'x <- scan(file="stdin", quiet=TRUE); summary(x)'
Learning R language
process.on('SIGINT', function() {
// We are actually capturing the SIGNINT signal
// with this callback
// This cb will be executed on ctrl+c
console.log('I got a SIGINT(i.e., ctrl+c), but I am not stopping..');
// we can handle to exit the program simply via
// Leveraging benefit of this callback we can save the current state of the application to a file and which we may want to recover later when we want to start the program later.
// Below line can be used to trigger exit behaviour
// though:
// process.exit(0)
// exit code 0 is on error, 1 or other says error codes in bash.
process.on('SIGQUIT', function() {
// this cb will be executed on ctrl+\
console.log("I got SIGQUIT (i.e., ctrl+\).. ~ SAHIL")
setTimeout(() => {}, 5*60*1000)
You can get list of all signal with kill -L
SIGINT(2): This stands for signal interrupt.
SIGQUIT(3): This quits the program, we can send this signal via ctrl+\
SIGKILL(9) can be harmful (i.e., kill no matter what) to use when we kill some program to kill coz it might cause orphanel children as the process we’re killing might have child processes and sich sigkill can’t be captured by any program so its child processes (which wont have any parent process then) might remain alive and will then known as orphaned processes.
SIGSTOP(19): When we do ctrl+z
it send a SIGSTOP signal which suspends the current program. This is very useful in vim though.
What are bg and fg?
Ans. When we have a background process which is suspended(PAUSED) then we can use bg
command (i.e., sending a SIGNCONT(18) signal) to start that process in background. Equivalent kill command would be kill -SIGNCONT %myJobId
Wherease if want to start that process and reattach to the standard output (forgrounding) we can use fg
nohup sleep 2000 &
# FYI: We also get a process identifying number as well.
# FYI: I can see all the processes that I have with suspended with SIGSTOP signal.
# I can resume those suspended jobs with command
# Direct examples from missing semester:
sleep 1000
# Sent ctrl+z (^Z)
# (for sending signal: SIGSTOP i.e., suspending/pausing)
[1]+ Stopped sleep 1000
nohup sleep 2000 &
# Output:
[2] 321894
# This program runs in background now only.
nohup: ignoring input and appending output to 'nohup.out'
[1]+ Stopped sleep 1000
[2]- Running nohup sleep 2000 &
### NOW I can resume my job suspended via below command:
bg %1
# Output:
[1]+ sleep 1000 &
# Output:
[1]- Running sleep 1000 &
[2]+ Running nohup sleep 2000 &
### Now again I am gonna suspend (PAUSE) 1st
# process with manual -STOP signal via kill command:
kill -STOP %1
# Output:
[1]+ Stopped sleep 1000
[1]+ Stopped sleep 1000
[2]- Running nohup sleep 2000 &
# Sending SIGHUP(1) signal:
kill -HUP %1
[1]- Hangup sleep 1000
# OBSERVATION: it killed that process
[2]+ Running nohup sleep 2000 &
### tl;dr: You should use nohup command to run any server on you remote machine when connected via ssh coz then it'll ignore all the SIGHUP signals when you quit the shell (ssh session).
### LEARN: When shell is closed, it sends SIGHUP signal to all its processes.
kill -HUP %2
# OBSERVATION: It didn't kill that, why?
[2]+ Running nohup sleep 2000 &
## Its not terminated bcoz `nohup` is encapsulating all SIGHUP signals and then ignoring those SIGHUP signals thus not killing the process.
# Killing jobs started with nohup
# Output:
[2]+ Running nohup sleep 2000 &
kill -KILL %2
# Output:
[2]+ Killed nohup sleep 2000
is an very older alternative of tmux
, but tmux rocks!
Tmux concepts
# One great usage of tmux:
# Say u r connected to remote machine with ssh, and you start a tmux session and there you have bunch of windows and panes opened, then you can use DETACH (prefix d) to detach from tmux and then close the ssh connection. SO CLOSING THE TERMINAL CLOSING (i.e., on disconnecting the ssh connection) would send SIGHUP signal which would get IGNORED BY TMUX, so all our session's temirnals would be secured!
# session > windows > panes
# We can say windows are like tabs in a browser.
# IMPORTANT: detach from a session(read FYI):
prefix + d
# FYI: If you detach from this session and exit the terminal, the terminal send SIGHUP signal which would be ignored by tmux's session. YO!!
# Create new session (session name would be number then):
# create new session with name foobar
tmux new -t foobar
# list tmux sessions with
tmux ls
# Reattach to last active session im my experience ~Sahil. But reading from docs: it says if no target is supplied tmux tries to connect to session cureently in use:
tmux a
# a is alias for attach by default from tmux.
# To attach to a particular session:
tmux a -t foobar
# creating new tab(window) inside a session:
prefix n
# switching back to older tab(window)
prefix p
# renaming current tab(this is according to my settings)
prefix ,
# new pane horizontally in current tab(window)
prefix "
# new pane vertically in current tab(window)
prefix %
# for archlinux, check if service is up or not?
# Refer:
# Then you can ssh your own user as well:
ssh array@array-os
ssh user_name@domain_or_ip
# execute sigle commands via ssh:
ssh user_name@domain_or_ip myCommand
ssh user_name@domain_or_ip ls -lsa
### create a ssh key pair:
ssh-keygen -o -a 100 -t ed25519
# Bcoz if somebody got your priavte key they won't be able to use it unless they have the passphrase you have set, so its a good thing to set a passphrase!
ssh-copy-id array@arch-os # It will use the first valid public key it finds from these locations: ~/.ssh/, ~/.ssh/, ~/.ssh/, ~/.ssh/, ~/.ssh/
# OR (Note: I prefer to use below command always because we explicitly provide which public key should be copied to `.ssh/authorized_keys` on target machine.)
ssh-copy-id -i .ssh/id_ed25519 foobar@remote # Appends the public key to the end of `.ssh/authorized_keys` on target machine.
# Other ways to copy specified public key to `authorized_keys` file on target machine via `tee` command:
cat ~/.ssh/ | ssh user@hostname_or_ip "cat > .ssh/authorized_keys" # To overwrite the `authorized_keys` file on target machine with the public key
cat ~/.ssh/ | ssh user@hostname_or_ip "cat >> .ssh/authorized_keys" # To append the public key in the `authorized_keys` file on target machine
cat ~/.ssh/ | ssh user@hostname_or_ip tee .ssh/authorized_keys # To overwrite the `authorized_keys` file on target machine with the public key
cat ~/.ssh/ | ssh user@hostname_or_ip tee -a .ssh/authorized_keys # To append the public key in the end of `authorized_keys` file on target machine
# Here we are saying that take the standard input from cat command and dump it to .ssh/authorized keys file on target machine
# You can confirm the contents of file `.ssh/authorized_keys` on target machine and it should show something like this:
# cat .ssh/authorized_keys
# ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIAJukbqVgN5JuBRxIl/1d7YRmr5lW9TuctR5Cgmhi3yO array@arch-os
# Note: This file can contain comments with by appenind any line with # just like bash. Also, using `ssh-copy-id -i ..` command does not deletes any comment in the `authorized_keys` file.
ssh array@arch-os
# we'll be prompted to enter the passphrase and we can login simply via that passphrase only(no need of password).
### Shoul i use logot or exit command to exit terminals and ssh connections ?
# ~Sahil: Use exit as it can be used both in scripts and shell (including ssh) shells.
# Source:
# Copy file to home directory of a target user
scp myFile pi:
# Learn: The semicolon in above command is necessary.
# Copy and rename file or copy to a target folder
cp myFile array@arch-os:myFile
# LEARN: 1: If myFile is a directory in folder in target user's home directory then our file `myFile` will be pasted inside that folder.
# LEARN: 2: If myFile doesn't exist in target users's home directory then file will be created there.
# LEARN: 3: If a file already exist in target user's home directory then that file will be overwritten with the content of our source file.
# Copy to a absolute path
scp 2.png pi:/tmp
# Learn: File will be created inside /tmp folder in targer user.
##USING rsync:
#>> You can install rsync to archlinux very easily with (sudo pacman -S rsync)
rsync -avP . user@hostname:cmd
#// SO it'll COPY ALL files(wow: including all hidden files that i.e., files starting with . as well) of current folder to cmd folder in remote machine.
## ALWAYS USE rsync instead of scp coz::
# Say you are copying a bunch of a bunch of files with scp and say the connection dropped so next time when you try to copy files `scp` will start copying the files from the very start WHEREAS `rsync` will only copy from where it stopped, thats really awesome!!
###### important observations:
rsync -avP my_folder array@arch-os
# this will cause undesirable copy of our my_folder to a new folder named array@arch-os in current folder.
rsync my_file my_ssh_alias:
# Works good too!
rsync -avP my_folder array@arch-os:
# This will copy my_folder to our home folder in array user in targer machine. WORKS GOOD!
# Usage of rsync:
--archive, -a archive mode; equals -rlptgoD (no -H,-A,-X)
--verbose, -v
This option increases the amount of information the daemon logs during its
startup phase. After the client connects, the daemon's verbosity level will
be controlled by the options that the client used and the "max verbosity"
setting in the module's config section.
# file: ~/.ssh/config
Host own
User array
HostName arch-os
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/path_to_private_key_file
RemoteForward 9999 localhost:8888
# Now we can simply use below command to connect to our target host via below command:
ssh own
# ^^^^^ The reason for using config files for ssh instead of creating alias for ssh command is that `scp` and `rsync` also recognizes the ssh config file pretty good.
scp own:
rsync own:
ssh own
tmux #OR: tmux new -t my-gold
# DO: detach from tmux via: prefix d
logout # or exit command to terminate ssh connection.
### SO ALL THE THINGS that you left executing in tmux will keep on executing after you logout and disconnect from server. Yo!!
####Now that you have closed the ssh conneciton you may still connect to ssh again and connec to earlier tmux session again and it'll remain as it was when detached via:
ssh own
tmux a # FYI: `tmux a` means to attach to last active tmux session.
Solution A: You can simply have the prefix key for the local machine and the remote machine different so they won’t interefere at all. YOU CAN HAVE QUICK VISUAL FEEDBACK FOR THE STTAUS OF tmux when you are operating nested tmux sessions via the base visual indicator bar color very intutively. YO-missing-semester!! As you can see here that jon gjenset has set prefix for tmux as ctrl-s server but it would conflict with my save in vim so, i can better use it as ctrl+b
though which is default, yo!!.
Solution B: You can send detach binding to remote ssh’s tmux(when you have same prefix for both host and remote) by prefix prefix d
so this will work good as well, but SOLUTION A is so good to work say when you want to use prefix for all other tasks say creating new windows and panes all the time. SO only use SOLUTION-B IN RARE TIMES ONLY.
TESTED: SOLUTION-B works good but as discussed it gets very weirder to use tmux this way!
Host deb
User array
RemoteForward 8081 localhost:81
RemoteForward 8082 localhost:82
LocalForward 8089 localhost:80
So with this on local computer you can access remote’s 80 port @ 8089 on local system. Also, you can access local’s 81 and 82 port on remote’s 8081 and 8082 ports respectively. ALSO, YOU CAN FORWARD MULTIPLE PORTS without any issue.
Read more if you want to dive into commands for making thing remote and local portforwards via commands. Amazing article @ linuxize here.
folders are trees
files are blobs
# These data structures are recursive so a tree can have multiple trees and blogs.
##### A simple git underlying structure:
type blog = array<byte>
type tree = map<string, tree | blob>
type commit = struct {
parents array<commit-ids>
author = string
message = string
snapshot = tree-id
type object = blob | tree | commit-id
objects = map<string, object>
def store(o):
id = SHA1(o)
object[id] = o
def load(id):
return object[id]
references = map<string, string>
# references are human readable strings i.e., branchnames, HEAD, etc which points to SHA-1 ids of commits for easy usage.
## viewing the chain of sha's used to make a single commit:
git cat-file -p my-commit-sha
git cat-file -p tree-sha-we-get-from-above
git cat-file -p file-sha-we-get-from-above
git log
# Output:
* 733ae15 (HEAD -> main) First-commit.
git cat-file -p 733ae15
# Output:
tree 0f4d9ac6e6cdb94a954fcfd7809d2fede3d39646
author Sahil Rajput <> 1646999422 +0530
committer Sahil Rajput <> 1646999422 +0530
git cat-file -p 0f4d9a
100644 blob 2d832d9044c698081e59c322d5a2a459da546469 1.txt
git cat-file -p 2d832
# Output:
Practical usage:
# add all content from the root of the git repo:
git add -A
## Get a diff since last commit:
git diff myFile.txt
# FYI: --cached means show the changes in the cache/index (i.e. staged changes) against the current HEAD. --staged is a synonym for --cached.
git diff HEAD myFile.txt
git diff --cached myFile.txt # OR git diff --staged myFile ### --staged is a synonym for --cached
git status -v ### (shows staged changes as well). FYI: -v is for verbose
# Get a diff since source commit:
git diff sourceCommitId myFile.txt
############ colors in vim?
# green = local branches
# cyan = current HEAD
# red = remote branches
############ view branches with last commitid and commit-messages
git branch -v
### merging
git mergetool
# above command can be made to configure to launch `vimdiff` tool.
######## using --set-upstream is now autocompletable with fzf or autocomplete utitlity in bash IMO:
git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/master
# now you can simply do `git push` simply to do `git push origin master:master`
###### git pull
git pull # is same as `git fetch; git merge origin`
###### very verbose (-vv) with git branch
git branch -v
* master 1b769fd Update
git branch -vv
* master 1b769fd [origin/master] Update
###### clone only last n commits in a repo: (in below with --depth=1 we say to clone only last commit only):
git clone --depth=1 --single-branch --branch=master
# we can say to clone only single branch with --single-branch flag as well:
git clone --depth=3 --single-branch
# we can say to clone a specific branch as well:
git clone --depth=3 --single-branch --branch=master
#FYI: to read more on this, read @
FiX: Actually we can push to non-bare repos as well but we must not be checked out on the branches on the remote repos which we are pushing to at the moment. So this is easy fix by checking out to a rest
branch on remote repository. Yo! _**
mkdir remote-repo && cd remote-repo && git init && git checkout -b rest # CHECKING OUT TO REST OR ANY OTHER BRANCH IS IMPORTANT.
# Now we can make above folder as our remote repo easily.
cd ..
mkdir my-repo && cd my-repo && git init
git remote add origin ../remote-repo/.git
echo hello >> file.txt
git add -A && git commmit -m "First commit" && git push origin main
# We are able to push main/master to remote-repo coz we have checked out rest branch there.
# To see changes in remote repo folder, you may do:
git checkout main
#### IF YOU AGAIN WANT TO PUSH TO THIS REMOTE REPO, YOU MUST CHECKOUT to rest branch first, else it'll fail.
git checkout -b rest
repo for testing, yo!We can make a copy of github remote repository as bare repo as well with command:
git clone --bare <my-repo-url>
# FYI: This will clone .git folder of my repo to a folder named: `my-repo.git` YO!!
mkdir remote-repo && cd remote-repo && git init --bare
# Now we can make above folder as our remote repo easily.
cd ..
mkdir my-repo && cd my-repo && git init
git remote add origin ../remote-repo
echo hello >> file.txt
git add -A && git commmit -m "First commit" && git push origin main
# Now this commit would be pushed to our remote-repo repository folder as well.
# LEARN: a bare repo has now checked out branch anytime.
Any local reposotity can push to a remote-repository folder that has not checked out any branch (working directory) which is known as bare repo. You may create a bare repo with command
git init --bare
If its not bare you get error:
git add -p
in a helpful thinggit add -p .
# YOU may use, s (split), y (yes), n (no) and other for the case.
# interesting thing is we are only adding certain changes to cached area only(not discarding them from the files at all)
# AND after adding required changed to staged are and commmiting the changes, we may throw away the changes completely from files via:
git checkout myProgram
# or
git checkout .
git blame filename
# then using the information for eachline we can see which commit id is reponsible for the last change on that line and then we can do like:
git status commmit_id
# to get the contextural changes made when that line was last edited!
git stash
and git pop
git stash
# it saved the changes to a useful place.
git pop
git bisect
This can be very helpful when we want to run some scipt or any command for all the commits in backward manner so we can check where is a commit is breaking a test which was actually passing successfully earlier at a time. So this can be really helpful in automating stuff over commits.
graph = log --all --graph --decorate --oneline
# added above line to .gitconfig file.
# define global ignore patterns in ~/.gitignore_global
git config --global core.excludesfile ~/.gitignore_global
### ^^^^ Actually this line added a line for exclude pattern in .gitconfig file though, so i don't need to do this anytime if I have my .gitconfig file.
# Do this, and set up your global gitignore file to ignore OS-specific or editor-specific temporary files, like .DS_Store.
ls /var/log
# lsof can detect any app using a particular port
sudo lsof | grep ':8083'
sudo lsof | grep ':8083 .LISTEN'
# du stands for disk usage:
pipi - python packages
rubygems - for ruby - for rust
keybase - cryptographic keys repositories
apt - packages repository for ubuntu
Entropy - Measure of randomness.
Coin flip: log(2) = 1 bit Dize roll: log(6) = 26 bit
These sytems have:
# Encryption
encryptFn(plain text, KEY{from KDFs}) -> cipher text
# Decryption
decryptFn(ciphertext, KEY) -> plaintext
decrypt (encrypt(plaintext,key),key) = plaintext
# Encrypt
openssl aes-256-cbc -salt -in hello.txt -out hello.txt.enc
# You are prompted with password (passphrase) which is then passed to KDF to produce a key.
### REMEMBER THE passphrase though.
# Decrypt
openssl aes-256-cbc -d -in hello.txt.enc -out hello.txt.dec
# compare decrypted text and original text
cmp hello.txt hello.txt.dec; echo $?
##FYI: 0 return value means no error happened.
A passphrase with 64 bit entropy is good for generating keys with hash functions.
Ans. You store two entities for any user i.e., random salt and password hash. So even if a user(whose password hash is exposed in a attack) is using same password in different sites, then the attacker won’t have access to other sites coz the salt is used different in each site, thus password hash would be different.
"user": {
"salt": "g35dirb",
"passwdHash": "84bf83m3g58k"
encrpt(plaintext, publickey) -> ciphertext
decrypt(ciphertext, privateKey) -> plaintext
# Digital signatures:
sign(message, privateKey) -> signature
verify(message, signature, publicKey) -> OK
git tag
# shows tags
git cat-file -p vX.Y.Z
# shows raw data associated with this tag
git tag -v xX.Y.Z
# It'll show like:
# "Good signature from "Anish Athalye <>"
In practical we use both symmetric and asymmetric key cryptography.
See @
, sshd
etc#Show all services running in linux:
systemctl status
# Usage of -- in bash commands
#### -- in any command can tell that don not interpret anything following it as a flag or option, for e.g.,
# Say , we want to create a file name `-i`
touch -i
# Output
touch: invalid option -- 'i'
Try 'touch --help' for more information.
touch -- -i
# Output
# Output (file created)
### Say now we want to remove a file named `-i`
rm -i
# Output
rm: missing operand
Try 'rm --help' for more information.
rm -- -i
# Output: (file removed!)
docker vs. vagrant: