
Official archlinux installation guide: Click here.

My Arch Notes: Click here

Why do i make notes when i can use the same video _source/ article source_ to install in the same manner the way I did it in the first place ? Ans. Bcoz textual information can be divided into precise points in the way I understand the intention of what I need to do. And though video content has high bandwidth in terms of absorbing content but textual content can be very much helpful and text notes are irreplacably good in my experience when it comes to 2-3 years of down the line when i need to do solve the same problem again.

Installing from scratch

  1. sudo dd if=pathToArchLinuxOS.iso of /dev/sda status=progress : Setting up bootable pendrive. (if option means input file path). TIP: You can use lsblk <stands for::listBlockDevices> to list all the devices plugged in at the moment. (Note: For my latest dell laptop I used this command to bootable usb: sudo dd bs=4M if=/home/array/Downloads/manjaro-i3-22.0-230104-linux61.iso of=/dev/sdc status=progress oflag=sync)
  2. sudo su to become root. TIP: Please ensure that you have disabled legacy mode and secure boot features in your boot menu as it can cause problems in installation of the os.
  3. wifi-menu to access wifi targets and connect to them (it is highly recommened).
  4. Enable NTP service (for automatic time syncing via internet) timedatectl set-ntp true to set the time.
  5. Now, we need to create partitions:
  # List all drives
  fdisk -l
  # Select your target device (hard drive)
  fdisk /dev/sdb # Considering sdb is your device.
  # Now you are in subshell of fdisk (use q to quit without saving any changes)
  # Common commands you can make use
  p : print the state of drive
  n : add a new partition
  d : delete a partition
  t : change partition type ## THIS MIGHT BE USEFUL LATER IF YOU CHOOSE UEFI INSTALLATION MODE to change the partition type of sdb1 to EFI.
  # For fresh way of setting up (you may ensure that there are no current partition in the drive using `p` to print the partitions).
  # Make partition with `n` and press p to make it primary. Press <Enter> key for "First Sector", and type +200M for "Last Sector" to create a 200Mb partition. And type `y` to remove "Signature" then. Now use `p` to check if you got the partition there which you just made (this would show up as partition `sdb1`).
  ### /// now make an extended partition in similar way for the (SWAP partition for system hibernation purpose):
  # `n<Enter>e<Enter> +12G<Enter>   and now verify the same with p<Enter> (this would show up as partition `sdb2`)
  ### /// now create a primary partition for archlinux installation i.e., system partition:
  n<Enter>p<Enter>+25G<Enter>y<Enter>   and now verify the same with p<Enter> (this would show up as partition `sdb3`)
  ### /// now create an extended partition for user data
  n<Enter>e<Enter><Enter>Y and now verify the same with p<Enter> (this would show up as partition `sdb4`)
  # FYI: We're using end block as end of the drive for the user data partition now.
  ####### Above process would make a partition table like below (You may use p<Enter> to print partition table)
                  type    partition_type    (Future Mount Point)
  /dev/sdb1 200M  linux   primary            /boot
  /dev/sdb2 12G   linux   extended           <none> (todo: need to verify this)
  /dev/sdb3 25G   linux   primary            /
  /dev/sdb4 260G  linux   extended           /mnt/home
  # Press w<Enter> to write the all new partition table to the drive at once.
  # Since its written now, you may verify the partition table simply with `lsblk` command now.
  1. Making file system for our boot partition, system partition and user data partition (We don’t need to define filesystem for swap partition).
  # For UEFI: We need to make /dev/sdb1 of type EFI instead of ext4
  mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdb1 # IMPORTANT: READ ABOVE COMMENT
  mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdb3
  mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdb4
  1. Setting up swap partition
      mkswap /dev/sdb2
      swapon /dev/sdb2
  2. Mount partitions ``` mount /dev/sdb3 /mnt # Check its content with ls /mnt. Also, lsblk would show the mount point in for our system partition too.

# Create two directories i.e., home and boot mkdir /mnt/home /mnt/boot

# mount boot and user data partitions mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/boot #ALERT: Don’t use this command in UEFI mode of installation. mount /dev/sdb4 /mnt/home

#FYI: To unmount you can use umount pathToPartition or umount mountedDirectoryPath

### Verify the mounted paths by lsblk

  9. Install archlinux to target partition using pacstrap, refer `pacstrap -h` for help on it. Installting archlinux, base packages and vim for now. We can include as many packages as we want from arch package repo here IMO. This command might take couple of minutes so BE PATIENT.

pacstrap /mnt/ linux linux-firmware base vim

  FYI: With base we means this [package](, tldr; these packages: `bash, bzip2, coreutils, file, filesystem, findutils, gawk, gcc-libs, gettext, glibc, grep, gzip, iproute2, iputils, licenses, pacman, pciutils, procps-ng, psmisc, sed, shadow, systemd, systemd-sysvcompat, tar, util-linux, xz, linux (optional) - bare metal support`, I got this list from the dependencies section [here](
  FYI: We don't need base-devel anymore. See [this]( issue and [this diff]( in installation guide.
  10. Setting up auto mount all partitions to desired paths using file `/etc/fstab`. Recommendattion: Always use UUID's for making the entries coz they are not gonna change even if you plug-out and plug-in multiple hard drives later. We generate the fstab file using:

# Print all the current mounted file systems genfstab -U /mnt

# To write the same table to fstab file we do: genfstab -U /mnt » /mnt/etc/fstab

#### Verif by checking the /mnt/etc/fstab file, edit the file according to your wish like you want some partitions to be mounted or not on boot time.

  11. Making archlinux bootable,

arch-chroot /mnt # You get in a subshell now # FYI: You are logged in your newly installed system partition right now (before this we were in the usb os instance) # We verify that we are inside of newly installed system partitin by doing: cat /etc/fstab # This will output your fstab that you generated moments ago.

    - Now if we do `ls` then it'll show you your `home` folder ***here*** which you created at `/mnt/home` earlier.
    - Also, `lsblk` will show your _sdb3_ and _sdb4_ mounted at _/_ and _/home_.
  12. Installing packages

pacman -S networkmanager

# We want systemd to automatically start the networkmanager on startup, so we do it: systemctl enable NetworkManager

  13. -
  14. Set password for root user-

passwd # for ease set it to toor which is classical value of root user password

  15. Setting up locale (compulsory), you simply need to uncomment below two lines and save the file. i.e.,
  vim /etc/locale.gen
  en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8
  en_US ISO-8859-1

and generate the locals from /etc/locale.gen file using command:

  1. Setting Language variable
  vim /etc/locale.conf
  # and enter below line and save the file
  1. Setting up timzezone
  # List all the zone info details, and choose your country from below entries:
  ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/<TAB>
  # for India it should look like
  ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Kolkata /etc/localtime
  1. Setting up hostname, (this is basically what it look in terminal i.e., array@myHostName.
  vim /etc/hostname
  # and type the hostname there, tip: use `arch-os` as hostname.
  1. Now you can get back to your usb archlinux environment back-
  1. Unmount all mounts we did earlier in /mnt directory-
  umount -R /mnt
  # If above command says: "Resource busy" then use below command instead, (-l is for lazy unmount option)-
  umount -l /mnt

NOW REBOOT with reboot command and remove the USB and the system should boot from your newly installed system partition now. CONGRATS

Post install processes

  sudo pacman -R pulseaudio pulseaudio-bluetooth noisetorch pulseaudio-alsa